AWOE Life Devotions
Love Above All Things

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 1Corinthians 13:4

In the world there are so many definitions of love, but the Bible reveals to us what true love is. Love is patient and kind.
I watched a skit of sorts that showed a woman who had the all around perfect boyfriend. The one with the good job, wise to the world, seemed to say all the right things, but it was clear that the only person he loved was himself. He didn't support her, didn't seemed to care about the things she had to say.
Then she met this guy who not only was patient and kind, but he had as much of an interest as she had in him. In the business and careers. It was obvious from the beginning that he cared about his well being as much as he cared about his own. Her thoughts were important to him. Unlike her boyfriend, he didn't feel threatened by her, he wasn't boastful or proud. Maybe he didn't have all the worldly goods that the world esteems as important, but his heart was right.
Now that above example is just that. Love can't just be defined by romantic relationships, but on our day to day relationships with our friends, family, and associates we come into contact with. How we treat them is just as important as to how they treat us.
It should be in our hearts to love them the way Christ loves us.
To care about them - to love them as we love ourselves. To not be consumed with who we are, what we do and forget their important too.
If anyone could have done that, it would have been Jesus as the son of God. If he'd been caught up with who he was verses who we were, we would have never been redeemed. But Jesus loved us, loved God enough to save us from hell. He gave his life to save ours because he put the will of God and our souls above our sin and above who he was. That's true love!
Keep that in mind as you deal with people today.
Our lives is about Christ's love, represent that today!!!

Many Blessings~


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AWOE ONSCREEN SCOOP: The Wager is a new film starring Randy Travis, Jude Ciccolella (24), Candace Cameron Bure (Full House), and Nancy Stafford (Matlock). Based on a novel by Bill Meyers, Randy Travis brings to life Michael Steel, a Christian actor who has fought the stigmatisms of Hollywood. He finds himself in a modern day Job experience at the point of having everything one moment and the threat of a loss the next due to his free spirited co-star Cassandra (Cameron Bure). Forinfo visit: