Jen G: I know you’re into British humor. So have you heard of “As Time Goes By or Keeping up Appearances”?

Kevin Max: (Laughs) No I haven’t.

Jen G: Oh my gosh! You have to check those out, those are great I watch them, but they’re really funny.

Kevin Max: We’re talking about a tv show?

Jen G: Yes! There’s two of them, they’re British humor, they’re hilarious.

Kevin Max: See I haven’t been able to watch much TV as I’ve been so busy but there’s a TV show called “Extra’s”. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of “Extra’s”.

Jen G: Extra’s? I’ve never heard of that.

Kevin Max: But that’s a British comedy and it’s made its way over here to America. And then you know Faulty Towers was like an original old British kind of sitcom humor thing that I love and yeah you’ll have to look into those. Have to look into both of those.

Jen G: Who were some of your musical influences growing up?

Kevin Max: Stevie Wonder, Elvis, later on in high school rock scene music David Bowie, The Smiths, and then you know as I got as into college and kind of went on the road with DC Talk I mean we kind of. Music kind of opened itself up to me in lots of different ways and different forms but I think the first, actually the first band. First rock band that really influenced me beyond the Beatles was Queen and when I first heard “Freddy Mercury” singing I was just like wow I’d like to do that. And so music’s, there’s been a lot of influences.

"I loved Paul McCarthy’s voice too but I mean John Lennon always kind of was my favorite and I’ve always liked “ Strawberry Fields”."

Jen G: If you could perform with anyone, past present, or future, who and why?

Kevin Max: Oh my gosh, well why would be obvious once I give you who. I would probably say if I could perform with anybody it would be The Beatles. I mean in studio, out of the studio, I mean to me they were the most creative force in modern music.

Jen G: What’s your favorite song by them?

Kevin Max: My favorite song? I don’t have a favorite song by them, people always ask me that. Man there’s just so many. There’s just so many songs I mean that’s the point. That’s why the Beatles were so great. They could constantly create and put stuff down that kind of changed music culture ? One of my favorites is I would say, I was a big fan of John Lennon’s voice I loved Paul McCarthy’s voice too but I mean John Lennon always kind of was my favorite and I’ve always liked “ Strawberry Fields”. But I also liked “Tomorrow Never Knows” and I loved “Julia” and I loved, McCarthy’s “Yesterday”. I mean there are just so many songs.

Jen G: I heard a couple of years ago there was a big concert where you, Michael Tait, Toby, you all were there but you weren’t performing together. Did that happen, and how did it feel like being together and performing on that stage?

Kevin Max: It did happen. I mean it was, what was that like maybe a couple of years back? Maybe a year and a half ago? Yeah more like 2 yrs ago I think. It was in Washington, and somebody contracted all of us to come and play solo and then we performed I think like 3 songs together? But it felt really disjointed because it was, we had not really performed together for a while. We hadn’t practiced and we just kind of jumped up on stage and did a couple of songs ya know what I mean? It always feels great being on stage together because we have been on stage together for a massive amount of time. I mean I just did a show with Toby in England about 5 months back and it was very natural and singing in the studio yesterday with Michael was very natural and we’re going to get Toby in the studio on Monday to sing on the same track for “The Blood”. And we’ve been friends for so long its just a natural feeling but that part- icular show felt disjointed because we were all doing our own music and it was just kind of like okay as an after thought lets jump on stage together. I think it takes like a big group like DC Talk, it takes time to kind of get that back together and making it feel in sync you know? It takes a little bit of work.


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